Private Course

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Kami melayani Jasa Privat untuk : Jakarta Selatan, Depok, Bogor dsk.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why do you look for private lesson ?

First of all, I worry about being misplaced. Once I had an interview and I was completely misplaced. Also I think that one-to-one classes you have all the time for your self; you do not have to share with other slower, weaker students. Listening too much wrong English, you start copying and teachers lack time to correct to everybody appropriately. I also think that the student should always choose the teacher they want to have lesson with.
That's why I'd rather have private lesson - in large groups you do not have a chance to ask and solve your doubts.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Minimize the chances of disruptive behavior

According to Hammer, 1991. The Self-directed teacher.

- Do not go to class repared. Student automatically identify teachers who are not sure what to do in class.
- Do not be inconsistent. If the teacher allows students to come to class late without taking action one week students cannot be reproached for doing the same thing the week after.
- Do not issue threats. Teacher who threaten student with terrible punishments and then do not carry them out are doing both the class and themselves a disservice.
- Do not raise your voice. One of the great mistakes of many teachers is to try and establish control by raising their voices and shouting.
- Do not give boring classes. Perhaps the single greatest caause of indiscipline is boredom.
- Do not unfair. Teachers cannot allow themselves to be unfair, either to the class as a whole or to be individuals.
- Do not have a negative attitude to learning. A teacher who does not really care and who is insensitive to the students reactions to what is happening in the classroom will lose the respect of the students - the first step to problems of disruptive behavior.
- Do not break the code. If part of the code is that the students should arrive on time, then the teacher must, too.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Experienced Teacher

Teacher telah berpengalaman mengajar Privat Eksakta di Jakarta-Bogor dan sekitarnya, antara lain untuk siswa/siswi : SMP/U Lab School,Jak-Sel, SMP Negeri 85/37/35 Jak-Sel, SMUN 3 St Budi, Jkt-Sel, SMP Kanisius Jak-Pusat, SMUN 3 Bogor, SMP Mardiyuana, Depok dan masih ada lagi siswa/i dari sekolah unggulan lainnya. Saya tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para mantan pemakai Jasa Privat ini dan mengucapkan Selamat & Sukses atas prestasinya meraih jenjang pendidikan yg lebih tinggi.